I absolutely love this commercial. The dialogue is actually a quote from Theodore Roosevelt in a speech that he gave in Paris titled “Citizenship in A Republic”. I thought that it was perfect to start the week off with these words. Its going to be an awesome week. I look forward to being in the arena with you. Onward and Upward!!!!!
A1 RDL (Romanian Deadlift) 6-8 x 5 @ 21×1 rest 30 sec
A2 Renegade Row 6-8 (3-4 per arm) x 5 @ 3112 no rest
4 sets
10 Front Squats 135/95
7 Burpee Over bar
300m row
rest 1 min b/n sets
A. Thruster 1-1-1 rest 2 min
4 sets (faster each set)
15 BJ SD
10 Thruster 100/65
6 C2b Pullups/4 MU
rest 3 min /n sets