





Thank you to everyone that came to the Christmas Party. The food was amazing and the company was better. Going to be a great week at DGA!!!!



A. DB BP 10-12 x 4 @ 31×1 rest 2 min

B1. Pendlay Row 8-10 x 3 @ 21×1 rest 1 min

B2. Pullup/P-Pullup 5-7 x 3 @ 31×2 rest 30-45 sec


Power Clean 2-2-2 (this is a cluster, perform 2 reps TnG, then rest 10-15 sec before performing the next set of 2)

1 Sled/ Prowler 100″ 70/50

150m row

rest 1 min x 4



A. Power Snatch 2-2-2 x 3 rest 1-2 min

B. OHS 2 reps x 5 sets @ 21×1 rest 2 min

C1. Dips 10-12 x 4 @ 3111 rest 30 sec

C2. Pendlay Row 8-10 x 4 @ 31×2 rest 1 min


7 min AMRAP

3 Snatch @ 65% of 1 RM

5 C2B Pullups